Tafi atome monkey sanctuary

For the past 200 years, the Mona monkeys inhabiting the tropical forest surrounding the small village of Tafi-Atome have been protected because it was believed they were messengers to the gods. In 1996, the village began broader efforts to protect their forest and monkeys, as well as to offer tours for visitors. As a result of these efforts, the monkey population has increased to about 200 and the forest, with its many species of birds and butterflies, has been preserved. The playful monkeys are wild but often come down very close to visitors. Revenue from tourism has brought electricity to the village, as well as improvements to the school and a community clinic. Things to Do Stop at the visitor centre to arrange your tour and shop for village crafts in the small shop. A guide will lead you into the monkey sanctuary. Time: 1-1.5 hours. Difficulty: 1 Tour the village with a sanctuary guide, where you can see food being prepared and other daily activities. Time: 1 hour. difficulty: 1 Visit a village pineapple farm and meet the farmer. Fresh pineapple may be available to buy. Time: 45 minutes. Difficulty: 1 See kente weaving at the nearby village of Tafi Abuipe, one of the principal weaving sites in Ghana. A guide can accompany you from Tafi-Atome or give you directions. Distance is 14 km by car or 7 km by trail if you walk or rent a bicycle. Time: 2 hours. Difficulty: 1 if transported to Abuipe by car or 2 if walking or biking from Tafi-Atome. Enjoy evening entertainment including drumming, dancing or stories around a bonfire (1 hour each or combined program)